They wield massive armored polearms that are half-spear, half-mortar. Heavy attackers and heavily armored, their LIFE and physical prowess are unparalleled. Their attacks use explosive bombs which pack a wallop, but needs to be reloaded if overused. Finding the perfect time to unleash their explosives is crucial to their success.
— Website description.
"A destructive bombardier with a knack for demolition", Banisher (also known as Vanisher in the Japanese version) is one of the eight classes of 7th Dragon III Code: VFD. It is based on the future timeline and unlocked in Chapter 4.
Despite wearing full plate armor like Knights from 7th Dragon, Banishers do very little to defend their allies and prefer to destroy their enemies outright like Fighters.
The Banisher has outstanding physical power, including the highest max LF of all classes, but is often last to move each turn. Banishers enter battle with a full stock of bombs, an additional resource treated as ammunition for their stronger attacks. Should they run out, they either must spend turns reloading or make do with less powerful lance attacks, leading to bursty damage output. Due to the Dragon-infested status of their homeworld Eden, Banishers have developed a knack for defeating Dragons, boasting skills that do increased damage to them. For this reason, they are a great addition to any party venturing into a boss fight.
A Banisher has only one job: kill kill kill. While the end goal is brutally simple, the methods employed in that job are sometimes not so clear-cut. Generally, if you can finish a fight in one fell swoop, you should. Banishers always begin battle with a full load of bombs, unlike Mana, so they gain no advantage having bombs left at the end of battle over having spent them all. They might as well spend all of them at some point, and all the better if that burst ends the battle on Turn 1. If it takes longer, it is prudent to use bombs conservatively to whittle down the enemy and set themselves up for the finishing blast. Level Bomb Bonus whenever possible to extend the Banisher's longevity and maximum power, and Reload if that isn't enough. Spear attacks help since most of them consume no bombs at all, but their baked in randomness makes them no exception to Banishers' explosive playstyle.
The above point becomes abundantly clear once Skill Development 2 grants access to Earthquake. It and Comet Spear together hilariously outclass Dragon Buster, in area damage and anti-Dragon damage, for the cost of all and most of the bombs a Banisher can hold, respectively. They really throw Banishers up to the position where the most excessive and over-the-top finishers are the most effective.
With that ironed out, a few details should be mentioned. All damage Banishers deal is physical, a lot of it of the fire element, so watch out for enemies that resist those two properties. Clap Trap is a reliable way to inflict Burn, which reduces enemy stats giving you an advantage in battle. Go for Auto-Reload to save on turns replenishing bombs. If you ever obtain the Retreat Ring from dating Julietta, definitely equip it to the Banisher. This will give them an immense speed bonus that overrides their biggest weakness, allowing them to move before enemies and crush random encounters with a single Earthquake. This, in fact, becomes a must for parties seeking to brave the perils of the Shadow Realm, where minor Dragons are aplenty and the sheer brute force of Earthquake needed to end battles in a fell swoop.
Party Combinations[]
Banishers have only minor defensive skills and no healing ability. Since they move so slow, they will sustain damage, despite their raw fortitude. Provide healing and disruption support either in the 1st or backup teams to keep them going. Otherwise, look for teammates that add more power to Banishers' ridiculous bursts.
Anyone capable of inflicting fire damage benefits greatly from Bomb Scatter. Duelists in particular synergize further with Volcano Field.
If all enemies are hacked, Agents can use madstrife.exe to cause them to ignore the party, paving the way for Banishers to wreak havoc on them unimpeded.
Banishers charge 1 bar of their gauge every 2 turns.
Support Skill[]
Increase 1st Team DEF.
Multiplier of 1.2x. Lasts 1 turn.
Buddy Skill[]
Decrease enemy DEF.
Deals 150% melee ATK-based non-elemental damage to the target, and has a 100% chance of lowering their DEF (0.8x multiplier) for 2 turns.
Lv. 1: 150% base damage, multiplied by 2.25x against dragons (Results in 337.5% damage). Costs 10 Mana and 5 bombs.
Lv. 2: 170% base damage, multiplied by 2.6x against dragons (Results in 442% damage). Costs 11 Mana and 5 bombs.
Lv. 3: 190% base damage, multiplied by 3x against dragons (Results in 570% damage). Costs 12 Mana and 5 bombs.
Lv. 4: 210% base damage, multiplied by 3.3x against dragons (Results in 693% damage). Costs 13 Mana and 5 bombs.
Lv. 5: 250% base damage, multiplied by 3.75x against dragons (Results in 937.5% damage). Costs 15 Mana and 4 bombs.
Consumes bombs.
Deals ranged ATK-based fire damage to all enemies. Dragons take extra damage, and enemies’ sizes (this includes dragons) also affects the damage output:
Small: 0.6x
Medium: 0.75x
Large: 1x
Extremely Large: 1.3x
Fills 5% of the EX Gauge per hit.
Dmg: all. Effect depends on bombs used.
Skill Development 2
Lv. 1: Skill learned. Cost 2500 SP.
Lv. 2: Damage ↑. Cost 3500 SP.
Lv. 3: Damage ↑. Cost 4000 SP.
Lv. 4: Damage ↑. Cost 4500 SP.
Lv. 5: Damage ↑. Cost 5000 SP.
Lv. 6: Damage ↑. Cost 5500 SP.
Lv. 7: Damage ↑. Cost 6500 SP.
Lv. 8: Damage ↑. Cost 7500 SP.
Lv. 9: Damage ↑. Cost 8500 SP.
Lv. 10: Damage ↑. Cost 9500 SP.
Lv. 1: 180% base damage, multipliers of 0.1x/3x/4x/5.5x (Results in 18%/540%/720%/990% damage).
Lv. 2: 190% base damage, multipliers of 0.3x/3.25x/4.3x/6x (Results in 57%/617.5%/817%/1140% damage).
Lv. 3: 200% base damage, multipliers of 0.4x/3.5x/4.6x/6.25x (Results in 80%/700%/920%/1250% damage).
Lv. 4: 210% base damage, multipliers of 0.5x/3.75x/5x/6.5x (Results in 105%/787.5%/1050%/1365% damage).
Lv. 5: 230% base damage, multipliers of 0.6x/4x/5.25x/6.75x (Results in 138%/920%/1207.5%/1552.5% damage).
Lv. 6: 250% base damage, multipliers of 0.7x/4.2x/5.5x/7x (Results in 175%/1050%/1375%/1750% damage).
Lv. 7: 270% base damage, multipliers of 0.8x/4.4x/5.75x/7.25x (Results in 216%/1188%/1552.5%/1957.5% damage). Costs 9 Mana.
Lv. 8: 290% base damage, multipliers of 0.85x/4.6x/6x/7.5x (Results in 246.5%/1334%/1740%/2175% damage). Costs 9 Mana.
Lv. 9: 310% base damage, multipliers of 0.9x/4.75x/6.25x/7.75x (Results in 279%/1472.5%/1937.5%/2402.5% damage). Costs 10 Mana.
Lv. 10: 350% base damage, multipliers of 0.95x/5x/6.5x/8x (Results in 332.5%/1750%/2275%/2800% damage). Costs 10 Mana.
Consumes ALL bombs.
Deals ATK-based non-elemental damage to all enemies, with power dependent on the number of bombs consumed. There are 4 bomb thresholds at which the game decides how much damage the Banisher deals:
0 bombs, 1 to 4 bombs, 5 to 8 bombs, and 9 bombs.
Cannot be cast if the Banisher has no bombs. Using a 0 bomb Earthquake is only possible during Unison.
Fills 5% of the EX Gauge per hit.
MN Cost
Max Level
Medium dmg: one. Damage varies greatly.
Lv. 1: Base skill.
Lv. 2: Damage/max damage ↑. Cost 1500 SP.
Lv. 3: Damage/max damage ↑. Cost 2000 SP.
Lv. 4: Damage/max damage ↑. Cost 2500 SP.
Lv. 5: Damage/max damage ↑. Cost 3000 SP.
Lv. 1: 140% base damage. Multiplier ranges from 0.5x to 1.5x. (Results in 70% to 210% damage.)
Lv. 2: 150% base damage. Multiplier ranges from 0.6x to 1.6x. (Results in 90% to 240% damage.)
Lv. 3: 160% base damage. Multiplier ranges from 0.7x to 1.7x. (Results in 112% to 272% damage.)
Lv. 4: 180% base damage. Multiplier ranges from 0.8x to 1.8x. (Results in 144% to 324% damage.)
Lv. 5: 200% base damage. Multiplier ranges from 0.9x to 1.9x. (Results in 180% to 380% damage.)
Deals ranged ATK-based non-elemental damage to one enemy. Has a random multiplier within a range that greatly varies the total damage.
Deals melee ATK-based non-elemental damage to one enemy with a chance to instantly kill it.
Fills 3% of the EX Gauge per hit.
Rush Spear
Random medium attack x5: all.
Skill Development 2
Lv. 1: Skill learned. Cost 3000 SP.
Lv. 2: Damage ↑. Cost 4500 SP.
Lv. 3: Damage ↑. Cost 6000 SP.
Lv. 4: Damage ↑. Cost 7500 SP.
Lv. 5: Damage ↑. Cost 8000 SP.
Lv. 1: 70% damage per hit.
Lv. 2: 85% damage per hit.
Lv. 3: 100% damage per hit.
Lv. 4: 120% damage per hit.
Lv. 5: 140% damage per hit.
Deals melee ATK-based non-elemental damage to random enemies 5 times.
Fills 3% of the EX Gauge per hit.
Assault Spear
High dmg charge attack: one.
Lv. 1: Base skill.
Lv. 2: Damage ↑. Cost 1500 SP.
Lv. 3: Damage ↑. Cost 2500 SP.
Lv. 4: Damage ↑. Cost 3500 SP.
Lv. 5: Damage ↑. Cost 5000 SP.
Lv. 1: 300% damage.
Lv. 2: 350% damage.
Lv. 3: 400% damage.
Lv. 4: 450% damage.
Lv. 5: 500% damage.
Consumes 2 bombs.
Deals melee ATK-based non-elemental damage to one enemy.
Fills 3% of the EX Gauge per hit.
Comet Spear
Jump/random dmg. Effective v. dragons.
Skill Development 2
Lv. 1: Skill learned. Cost 2500 SP.
Lv. 2: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 3500 SP.
Lv. 3: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 4500 SP.
Lv. 4: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 5500 SP.
Lv. 5: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 6000 SP.
Lv. 6: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 6500 SP.
Lv. 7: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 7000 SP.
Lv. 8: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 7500 SP.
Lv. 9: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 8000 SP.
Lv. 10: Damage/effectiveness ↑. Cost 9500 SP.
Lv. 1: 200% base damage, multiplied by 3x against dragons (Results in 600% damage).
Lv. 2: 220% base damage, multiplied by 3.5x against dragons (Results in 770% damage).
Lv. 3: 240% base damage, multiplied by 4x against dragons (Results in 960% damage).
Lv. 4: 260% base damage, multiplied by 4.5x against dragons (Results in 1170% damage).
Lv. 5: 280% base damage, multiplied by 5x against dragons (Results in 1400% damage).
Lv. 6: 300% base damage, multiplied by 5.5x against dragons (Results in 1650% damage).
Lv. 7: 320% base damage, multiplied by 6x against dragons (Results in 1920% damage).
Lv. 8: 340% base damage, multiplied by 6.5x against dragons (Results in 2210% damage).
Lv. 9: 360% base damage, multiplied by 7x against dragons (Results in 2520% damage).
Lv. 10: 400% base damage, multiplied by 7.5x against dragons (Results in 3000% damage).
Consumes 6 bombs.
For the current turn, places the Banisher in the jump state. All attacks and skills directed towards them will miss.
On the next turn, they come down dealing ATK-based non-elemental damage to one random enemy. Dragons take extra damage.
Fills 5% of the EX Gauge per hit.
Priority level 3
Ultimate Lance
Post Chapter 5.1
How to Unlock
After Chapter 5.1, Director Yoshida explains EX skills and gives pointers on how to unlock them. The prerequisite is to first have a Lv. 50 character of respective class and set them as leader.
Once all objectives are cleared, the EX skill is unlocked for all characters of that class.
Cost 9900 SP to learn.
Deals 12x (Actually 18x) melee ATK-based fire damage to one enemy.
Has a 70% (Actually 140%) chance to inflict Burn (Applies a 0.9x multiplier to the target's ATK, MAT, DEF, and MDF) for 3 turns. The Burn deals 25 damage.
Restores all bombs.
MN Cost
Max Level
Bomb Bonus
Initial and max bomb count→4.
Lv. 1: Skill learned. Cost 500 SP.
Lv. 2: Max bomb count: 4→5. Cost 1000 SP.
Lv. 3: Max bomb count: 5→6. Cost 2000 SP.
Lv. 4: Max bomb count: 6→7. Cost 4500 SP.
Lv. 5: Max bomb count: 7→9. Cost 9000 SP.
Lv. 1: Initial and max bomb count→4.
Lv. 2: Initial and max bomb count→5.
Lv. 3: Initial and max bomb count→6.
Lv. 4: Initial and max bomb count→7.
Lv. 5: Initial and max bomb count→9.
Adds to the 3 bombs Banishers start battle with and maximum they can hold.
Deafening Roar
ATK/DEF ↓: all. 2 turns. Instant.
Lv. 1: Base skill.
Lv. 2: ATK/DEF decrease rate ↑. Cost 500 SP.
Lv. 3: ATK/DEF decrease rate ↑. Cost 1500 SP.
Lv. 4: ATK/DEF decrease rate ↑. Cost 3500 SP.
Lv. 5: ATK/DEF decrease rate ↑. Cost 4500 SP.
Lv. 1: 0.92x multiplier to ATK and DEF.
Lv. 2: 0.89x multiplier to ATK and DEF.
Lv. 3: 0.86x multiplier to ATK and DEF.
Lv. 4: 0.83x multiplier to ATK and DEF.
Lv. 5: 0.8x multiplier to ATK and DEF.
Consumes 1 bomb.
Places debuffs on all enemies that lowers their ATK and DEF for 2 turns.
Places buffs on the Banisher that subtracts 0.2 from their fire damage multiplier, and causes them to have a chance to automatically reload bombs when taking fire damage for 3 turns.
Priority level 7
Auto. Random fire dmg x3 at battle start: all.
Lv. 1: Skill learned. Cost 2000 SP.
Lv. 2: Damage ↑. Cost 2500 SP.
Lv. 3: Damage ↑. Cost 4500 SP.
Lv. 4: Damage ↑. Cost 5500 SP.
Lv. 5: Damage ↑. Cost 6500 SP.
Lv. 1: 65% damage per hit.
Lv. 2: 75% damage per hit.
Lv. 3: 90% damage per hit.
Lv. 4: 110% damage per hit.
Lv. 5: 130% damage per hit.
At the start of the battle, the Banisher has a 25% chance to randomly attack enemies with ranged ATK-based fire damage 3 times.
Only 1 start of battle AUTO skill can activate at a time.
War Cry
Auto. ATK/DEF ↑ at battle start. 3 turns.
Lv. 1: Skill learned. Cost 1000 SP.
Lv. 2: ATK/DEF increase ↑. Cost 2000 SP.
Lv. 3: ATK/DEF increase ↑. Cost 3000 SP.
Lv. 4: ATK/DEF increase ↑. Cost 4500 SP.
Lv. 5: ATK/DEF increase ↑. Cost 6000 SP.
Lv. 1: 1.15x multiplier to ATK. 1.05x multiplier to DEF.
Lv. 2: 1.17x multiplier to ATK. 1.07x multiplier to DEF.
Lv. 3: 1.25x multiplier to ATK. 1.1x multiplier to DEF.
Lv. 4: 1.35x multiplier to ATK. 1.14x multiplier to DEF.
Lv. 5: 1.40x multiplier to ATK. 1.19x multiplier to DEF.
At the start of the battle, the Banisher has a 25% chance to boost their ATK and DEF for 3 turns.
Only 1 start of battle AUTO skill can activate at a time.
Restore 2 bombs.
Lv. 1: Base skill.
Lv. 2: Bombs restored: 2→3. Cost 2500 SP.
Lv. 3: Bombs restored: 3→4. Cost 4000 SP.
Lv. 1: Restore 2 bombs.
Lv. 2: Restore 3 bombs.
Lv. 3: Restore 4 bombs.
Auto. May gain bombs at turn end.
Skill Development 2
Lv. 1: Skill learned. Cost 6000 SP.
At the end of each turn, if the Banisher does not have a full stock of bombs, they have a 35% chance to gain 1 bomb.
Killing React
Chance of +1 turn when defeating enemy. 4 turns.
Lv. 1: Skill learned. Cost 500 SP.
Lv. 2: Effective turns: 4→5. Cost 1000 SP.
Lv. 3: Effective turns: 5→6. Cost 1500 SP.
Lv. 1: Lasts 4 turns.
Lv. 2: Lasts 5 turns.
Lv. 3: Lasts 6 turns.
Places a buff on the Banisher for a certain number of turns. If they kill an enemy, they have a 100% chance to gain an extra turn.
All react skills save only 1 extra turn at a time, and can only activate up to 3 times at most in a given turn.