7th Dragon Wiki
7th Dragon Wiki
7thD2020II DragonBattle

Dragons (ドラゴン, 竜) are hostile, extraterrestrial beings that invade Earth throughout the series. There are several types of dragons in existence, with many of them possessing elemental properties.


Dragons are generally predators by nature and will invariably attack any living creature that has not been influenced by Dragonsbane. They gather in groups led by an Emperor Dragon. All dragons are under the influence of a True Dragon, who controls them at will and can even revive them when they perish.


As told by the True Dragon Nyala, dragons are an interstellar species that have existed for eons. They feed on sentient beings from various galaxies, consuming not only flesh and blood, but the entropy of culture which serves as sustainance for their life force. When all life has perished, the True Dragon will devour the planet whole.

Some of the known civilizations that fell prey to their onslaught were the Hypnos and the ancient people of Atlantis. However, thanks to the intervention of two Hypnos specters Aytel and Emel, the True Dragons failed to consume the Earth.

7th Dragon 2020[]

A month after Murakumo's ill-fated 75th Induction Exam held at the Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku, Tokyo has become overrun with 200 dragons. Each area has a set number of them roaming about, ruled over by 7 strong types known as Emperor Dragons. If a certain number of dragons are slain, the Dragonsbane flower will cease to bloom in some areas, as their influence also decreases to match. Materials obtained from slain dragons are identified as Dz, and humans use them to develop weapons, armor, raw materials for construction, among others. 1Dz can be obtained from regular dragons while Emperors have 3Dz.

7th Dragon 2020-II[]

Under the influence of the True Dragon Formalhout, 255 dragons wreak havoc on Tokyo in 2021. New types of dragons emerged and some of the slain Emperor Dragons were revived, dominating the same areas they held the year before.

Dragon Types[]

NOTE: These are descriptions for the general forms. Names, elements and abilities vary per dungeon.

7th Dragon 2020 & 2020-II[]

Name Image Description
Fly Dragonica
7thD2020 FlyDragonica
A dragon with features of a dragonfly. Has high agility and evasion with a status-inflicting sonic wave as well as an air slash attack. Generally weak against fire and anti-air.
Lil' Drag
7thD2020 LilDrag
A flighty quadruped baby dragon. Attacks with a triple bite.
Salamander Drag
7thD2020 DragonStonata
Also known as the Dragon Stonanta. A bipedal, serpentine dragon with wings. Most types have a petrifying gaze.
Hover Drag
7thD2020 HoverDragon
A dragon with six wings that allow it to float. Almost as fast as the Fly Dragonica. Weak against anti-air.
Dragon Hammerd
7thD2020 DragonHammered
A dragon with a metallic protrusion on its head shaped like a hammer which it uses to attack. Varieties with an axe exist as well.
Dragon Hammerd O
7thD2020 DragonHammerO
A dragon with a round metallic skull that resembles a morning star which it uses for most of its attacks.
Material Drag
7thD2020 MaterialDrag
A dragon grasping a mysterious floating object. Attacks with elemental and status ailment skills. Weak against anti-air.
Chemical Drag
7thD2020 ChemicalDrag
A dragon grasping a mysterious floating object. Attacks with status ailment skills. Weak against anti-air.
Sumo Drag
7thD2020 SumoDrag
A horned quadruped dragon. Mainly self-buffs and attacks with multi-target physical skills.
Scar Viper
7thD2020 ScarViper
A horned quadruped dragon. Mainly self-buffs and attacks with status ailment and multi-target physical skills.
7thD2020 Armanos
A dragon with hard scales. Mainly self-buffs and attacks with multi-target physical skills.
Machinery Drag
7thD2020 MachineryDrag
A mechanical dragon produced from the Kokubunji Scorching Factory. Can self-regenerate and attack with fire. Weak against ice, lightning and anti-air.
7thD2020 DClass
Also known as the Wyvern. A basic type that can possess various elemental powers. Some of these dragons only have one action per turn.
7thD2020 Enthuntas
A dragon with fish-like characteristics possessing varying status ailment attacks. There are some varieties of this type found lurking in desert regions as well.
Tower Drag
7thD2020 TowerDrag
A dragon with stilt-like legs that can jump very high and launch poison orbs in midair.
Destroy Drag
7thD2020 DestroyDrag
A muscular dragon that attacks with knuckles like the Destroyer Class. Has an intimidating gaze that can stop enemies in their tracks.
Criminal Drag
7thD2020 CriminalDrag
A muscular dragon bound and gagged with metallic restraints. Has an intimidating gaze that can stop enemies in their tracks. Becomes more dangerous when the restraints are destroyed.
7thD2020 Tyrannosaurus
A prehistoric dragon revived in the present day. Attacks with strong bites and has a paralyzing cry.
Mega Mouth Drag
7thD2020 MegaMouthDrag
As the name implies, a dragon with a very large mouth. Attempts to swallow enemies whole and spits elemental orbs or poison balls.
Morph Drag
7thD2020 MorphDrag
A small quadruped dragon that burrows underground to ambush enemies. Can speed up to avoid enemy attacks.
Stab Drag
7thD2020 StabDrag
A violent bipedal dragon that uses claws to hunt down its prey.
Shield Drag
7thD2020 ShieldDrag
An armored dragon with two riot-shield like metal plates. When defending, it counters all attacks. Becomes severely weakened when the shields are broken.
Twin Horn Drag
7thD2020 TwinHornDrag
An dragon with two edged horns that it uses like swords.
Dragon Saturna
7thD2020 DragonSaturna
An armored quadruped dragon with a powerful tail. Some varieties can spread the Black Dragonsbane within a small area.


7th Dragon 2020[]

7thD2020II DragonSymbol

A Dragon Symbol as seen in Ikebukuro.

Dragons are the only symbol encounters in the game, represented as purple heads with a small tail. Their radar signals are also of the same color. The size of the symbol reflects that of the dragon, with each type possessing varying degrees of mobility. The symbol can be ambushed by approaching it from the rear and it can do the same to the party. Some dragons react to the party's presence up front and will pursue them relentlessly. There are also immobile "Barricade Dragons" that stand guard in front of a Dragonsbane wall. The wall will dissipate when said dragon is slain.

In battle, they will always have two actions per turn.

If the party encounters an enemy while a dragon is nearby, it will gradually approach and eventually enter the battle. The number of turns depend on how close the Dragon is to the battleground. Alarm levels will be given via the lower right dragon icon in the battle screen, with a corresponding color:

  • Grey: No dragon presence.
  • Light Blue: Dragon presence from very far away.
  • Green: Dragon presence from far away.
  • Yellow: Dragon presence within the vicinity and slowly approaching.
  • Orange: Dragon presence close by and slowly approaching.
  • Red: Dragon presence is very close. Will enter the battle momentarily.

A"Warning" sign will pop up in the turn prior to its emergence. During a monster battle, the dragon will usually drive away the lesser enemies and take over, but if the fight was with another dragon, then it will simply join in. The intervention can be prevented if the battle ends before the dragon arrives.

There are two exceptions to this rule:

  • If there are two large dragons and the one out of battle is of the same type, then it will not appear until one is defeated.
  • Barricade Dragons will never enter a battle.

Upon defeat, they will drop precious material known as Dz as well as a type-specific trophy spoil that can be sold to the Factory for Az. Dz is integral for unlocking many game features, ranging from building/improving facilities within the Metropolitan Government Building up to gaining access to the Phantom Capital.

Inside the Phantom Capital, Dragons will appear as both random and symbol encounters, though the random ones are relegated to a lower status. As such, they will only have one action per turn. It is also worth noting that since these enemies are merely solid apparitions, they do not drop Dz. Instead, they have high-level medicines, tools and SP up items.

7th Dragon 2020-II[]

Dragon behavior and battle mechanics remain the same in the second game, but with one new system that was introduced in Kokubunji: dragons that are flying or hiding underground cannot be fought unless lured into battle by using a monster encounter. Moreover, they no longer superimpose the lesser enemies (unless there are 2 or more; in such cases the weakest monster will be driven away) and actually assist them in the fight.

Designer Notes[]

Since the atmosphere would be different from the previous game, I had to revise many of the dragons using both soft, organic lines and industrial touches as per design recommendations. If they seamlessly blended well with Shirou Miwa's characters and the atmosphere of modern Tokyo, I'd be content. My favorite dragons are the Lil' Drag, Hover Drag, Sheild Drag, plus a few others. They'd probably look pretty nice in my opinion after being 3D-rendered and applied with motion data.
Akifumi Yamamoto, 7th Dragon 2020 & 2020-II Visual Collection.


7thD2020 TOWERDoraKun

Tower Dora-Kun

  • In 7th Dragon 2020, The dragon count is fixed at 200 and only reflects the ones found in dungeons after the Metropolitan Government Building.
    • Another Dragon that is not featured in the total count is the oddity "Tower Dora-Kun" that appears in the Ultimate Exhaust Skill trial for the Destroyer Class.
    • Tower Dora-Kun would reappear and attack Miku in Shibuya the following year (2020-II). Likewise, he does not feature in the total dragon count.
  • Some do not appear in the field at all, only showing up in certain quests.
  • If all dragons are cleared out of one area, the Tokyo Map point for the location will be marked with a circle star. The only exception is the Tokyo Subway Tunnel, which requires all portals to be cleared out before the mark is given.
    • A circle sans star means there is still a hidden dragon to fight, which usually emerges from a quest.
  • In 7th Dragon 2020 and 2020-II, The D-class dragon enemies appearing early in the story only have one action per turn.
7th Dragon 2020 and 2020-II Enemies
Fly Dragonica》《Lil' Drag》《Salamander Drag》《Hover Drag》《Dragon Hammerd》《Material Drag》《Sumo Drag》《Armanos》《Machinery Drag》《D-Class》《Enthuntas》《Tower Drag》 《Destroy Drag》《Tyrannosaurus》《Mega Mouth Drag》《Morph Drag》《Shield Drag》《Twin Horn Drag》《Dragon Saturna
Emperor Dragons
Warcry》《The Scaver》《Jigowatt》《Lore-A-Lua》《Trinitro》《Sleepy Hollow》《Zero Blue》《Tiamat》《Oceanus》《Jabberwock》《Insomnia
True Dragons