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7th Dragon Wiki

Lore-A-Lua (ロア=ア=ルア, roa-a-rua?) is an Emperor Dragon who occupied the Yotsuya Night Hill in 7th Dragon 2020.


Upon occupation, Lore-A-Lua twisted the fabric of reality of the Yotsuya area of Tokyo, turning it into a surreal dimension akin to those found in horror stories. It became plagued with a never-ending nighttime and building rooftops were lined with gravestones, most of which are interconnected by bone bridges.

The Emperor Dragon also generates soundwaves. Though inaudible to humans, it affects them significantly, For the living, it disrupts their concentration and sense of direction. For those who have passed on, they will be reawakened as zombies or specters. Sections with highly-concentrated soundwaves can serve as an obstacle, sending people who wander around the area back the way they came. It also jams electronic visual surveillance equipment.

When inactive, Lore-A-Lua blends with the purple full moon and watches over the whole of Yotsuya. In battle, she uses status ailment attacks, particularly favoring blind, bleed and instant death.


See Yotsuya Night Hill

Designer Notes[]

The target theme was "a feminine dragon that would blend in with the moon", and was one design that I had a hard time with. When I got the request for a "female dragon", the first draft I submitted had a motherly look to it, featuring horns that resembled a permed hairstyle and a plump constitution. After many revisions, I dabbled with a silver, black and pink base color scheme plus a dotted pattern. The body was remade with a slimmer, gothic-themed look. It was reborn into a great character and made me rethink about how I view feminine styles in the process.
Akifumi Yamamoto, 7th Dragon 2020 & 2020-II Visual Collection.

Skill List[]

Skill Effect
Sway React (スウェイリアクト) User gets extra turn after a successful dodge.
Crimson Scratch (紅の薙爪) Hits all targets + Bleed Status.
Blinding Whisper (盲目のささやき) Inflicts Blind Status on all targets.
Extra Dead (エクストラデッド) Inflicts Instant Death on a single target.
Full Moon Lore (フルムーンロアー) Hits all targets + Downer Status.


"Lua" is "moon" in the Portugese language. "Lua Mater" or "Lua Saturni" is also the name of a Roman Goddess to whom soldiers offered captured weapons of enemy combatants.


  • Lore-A-Lua is the only Emperor Dragon that uses a react skill.


7th Dragon 2020 and 2020-II Enemies
Fly Dragonica》《Lil' Drag》《Salamander Drag》《Hover Drag》《Dragon Hammerd》《Material Drag》《Sumo Drag》《Armanos》《Machinery Drag》《D-Class》《Enthuntas》《Tower Drag》 《Destroy Drag》《Tyrannosaurus》《Mega Mouth Drag》《Morph Drag》《Shield Drag》《Twin Horn Drag》《Dragon Saturna
Emperor Dragons
Warcry》《The Scaver》《Jigowatt》《Lore-A-Lua》《Trinitro》《Sleepy Hollow》《Zero Blue》《Tiamat》《Oceanus》《Jabberwock》《Insomnia
True Dragons