Crafty individuals from the underworld, who obliterate their enemies by any means necessary. A people hidden from the pages of history, inheriting battle skills in a unique fighting style far more complex than simply dealing mere blows to the enemy.
The Rogue is the fastest class and have incredibly high ATK if a Samurai is in the party thanks to the passive skill Casual Behavior (行往坐臥), albeit at the expense of SP. There are two types of Rogues: Dagger and Bow Rogues, the former dealing Slash damage and the latter dealing Piercing damage.
Dagger Rogues notable skills are Vampire (ヴァンパイア), Scorpio (スコルピオ), Tarantella (タランテラ) and Masked Pain (マスクドペイン). Vampire allows the Rogue to heal and deal damage at the same time, while Scorpio has a chance to inflict Poison and Tarantella has a chance to inflict Paralyze. Masked Pain relies on applying status effects on the target, stacking up Pain Counters and damaging the enemy once the Pain Counters wear off. They also have Dagger Fetish (ダガーフェティッシュ) to further increase their damage, and Sword Trap (ソードトラップ) that counterattacks the enemy's attack.
Bow Rogues can pair up with an Axe Fighter to deal massive damage. Otherwise, they deal decent damage and can inflict status ailments (Sleep, Confusion) or instant death. Using Bows also allows them to stay at the back row without suffering from damage penalties.
Rogues are very hard to get together. All Rogues are SP intense, especially if there is a Samurai in the party. If you have a Samurai, max Casual Behavior for the massive damage boost.
Assassin Rogues can use either Dagger or Bow. This Rogue levels up Footwork Mastery (フットワークマスタリ) and SPD Bonus (SPDボーナス) to obtain Hiding (ハイディング) and Trick React (トリックリアクト). Hiding will deal critical hit-like damage if it actives, allowing them extra turns. This kind of Rogue is very SP intense, so Assassin Rogues cannot be used in the early game. They will also want some passive skills too (Dagger Fetish and Sword mastery if it is a Dagger Rogue or Bow mastery if it is a Bow Rogue), as well as max Hiding as soon as you get it. Dagger Rogues might also want Vampire to deal with mobs. That said, when this Rogue has their full skill set, they will deal massive damage with all the extra turns they get from Trick React. If there is a Princess in the party, you can even combine Trick React with Princess React. With all that said, there are a few disadvantages:
It needs 2 turns for preparation: one for Hiding and one for Trick React.
This will only work for normal attacks, meaning no skills.
Hiding and React will take two buff slots. It can be hard to keep all the buffs in order if a Holy Voice Princess wants to buff the whole party.
Trick React only lasts for 5 turns.
If you get hit while in Hiding, there is a 1/3 chance to be forced out of Hiding.
It activates randomly, so it relies on luck.
Bow Rogues must use Seeker (シーカー) often to not lose accuracy.
Masked Pain Rogues are Dagger Rogues that first uses Masked Pain, then Triple Kiss (トリプルキス), which deals massive damage depending on the number of Pain Counters the enemy has. To stack up Pain Counters, this Rogue uses Scorpion, Tarantella or Sand Kick (サンドキック), the latter being the most reliable but deals no damage. You might also want Vampire for random encounters, as well as passive skills like Sword Mastery and Dagger Fetish. If other members in your party uses status ailments, this will allow the Pain Counters to stack up quickly. To make it easier, you can team up with an Axe Fighter with Balance Kill, a Princess with Temption of Revenge or Angelica Cage, and a Venom Healer with Venom or Venom Mist. Note that this Rogue is also very SP intense, so this strategy cannot be used early on.
Three Skills Dagger Rogue simply relies on Vampire, Scorpio and Tarantella. They will also want passive skills such as Dagger Fetish and Sword Mastery. In early game, a maxed Scorpio is very useful and most enemies will die of Poison. At mid-game and later, Scorpio's usefulness will fall off and Tarantella will be more effective. You can sail to Merllearie and buy a reset scroll if you do not mind losing 5 levels. Scorpio will still be useful if you have a Venom Healer that uses Venom Amplifier though. This Rogue can be used early in the game.
Bow Rogues sit in the back row. This Rogue can pair up with an Axe Fighter to deal massive damage. You can use Sleep Shot (スリープショット), Dual Shot (デュアルショット) or Head Shot (ヘッドショット) as your mainstay skill and the EX skill Falling Star (フォーリングスター). The Bow Rogue will also want Bow Mastery (ショットマスタリー) at max for the damage boost. Bow Rogues must take the Seeker skill because their accuracy decreases for every attack they fire. They can also use Sonic Shot and take up Footwork Skills.
MN Cost
SP Cost
Max Level
POW Bonus (POWボーナス)
Raises physical attack and defense.
SPD Bonus (SPDボーナス)
Raises agility and evasion.
INT Bonus (INTボーナス)
Raises magic attack and magic defense.
MN Cost
SP Cost
Max Level
Sword Mastery (ソードマスタリー)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Raises the ATK of equipped swords and daggers. Required for higher level dagger skills.
+10% to the weapon's ATK at Lv. 1, +30% to the weapon's ATK at Lv. 10. This only works on swords and daggers.
Tarantella (タランテラ)
2 (Lv. 1~5) 3 (Lv. 6~10)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Sword Mastery Lv. 1
Small damage to one enemy, and small chance to inflict Paralysis.
120% damage with a 30% chance of Paralysis at Lv. 1. At Lv. 10, the damage multiplier increases to 150% with a 75% chance of inflicting Paralysis.
Paralysis does not overwrite Fear.
Scorpio (スコルピオ)
2 (Lv. 1~5) 3 (Lv. 6~10)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Sword Mastery Lv. 3
Small damage to one enemy, and small chance to inflict Poison.
120% damage with a 30% chance of Poison at Lv. 1, 150% damage with a 75% chance of Poison at Lv. 10.
The Poison lasts for 5 turns. It affects bosses with decent regularity as well.
The Poison damage at Lv. 10 is around 110.
Vampire (ヴァンパイア)
2 (Lv. 1~5) 3 (Lv. 6~10)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Sword Mastery Lv. 3
Small damage to one enemy, and recovers LF based on the amount of damage dealt. The recovery is doubled if enemy is Bleeding.
At Lv. 1, this deals 120% damage and absorbs 15% of the damage dealt as LF. At Lv. 10, this deals 150% damage, and the Rogue get back 50% of the damage in LF.
Dagger Fetish (ダガーフェティッシュ)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Sword Mastery Lv. 5
Increases the ATK of equipped daggers only.
+5% to an equipped dagger's ATK at Lv. 1, +70% at Lv. 10.
This bonus is added to any bonus obtained from Sword Mastery (so having both at Lv. 10 will give +100% to an equipped dagger's ATK).
This will not work on swords.
Sword Trap (ソードトラップ)
2 (Lv. 1) 1 (Lv. 2~5)
Sword Mastery Lv. 5 POW Bonus Lv. 5
Counterattacks any enemy that damages the Rogue with physical damage. The damage of the counter is entirely based on damage the Rogue received and Sword Trap's skill level.
At Lv. 1, the Rogue return 200% of the damage they took. At Lv. 5, the counter deals 350% of the damage they took.
This only works on physical attacks, and the damage dealt depends on the damage taken. ATK Ups like Scorching Rhyme and even Mastery abilities like Dagger Fetish or Casual Behavior won't increase the damage done with this skill.
The Rogue still receive all the damage taken. Unlike the Samurai's Unarmed counters, Sword Trap does not nullify or reduce the damage taken.
Even when knocked out, the Rogue will still counter. They will fall down unconscious after counter.
Masked Pain (マスクドペイン)
5 (Lv. 1) 4 (Lv. 2~3) 3 (Lv. 4~5)
2 (Lv. 1) 1 (Lv. 2~5)
Sword Mastery Lv. 8
Damages an enemy and inflicts Masked Pain. During Masked Pain, each status ailment the enemy receives is converted into a Pain Counter.
110% damage at Lv. 1 with an 80% chance of inflicted Masked Pain. 135% damage at Lv. 10 with a 100% chance of inflicting Masked Pain.
Masked Pain (the status ailment, not the attack) will last for a number of turns based on the enemy's level. For example, with a Lv. 14 Rogue at Masked Pain Lv. 1:
Rabi, Masked Nuts - 3 turns
Murder Bear, Harpy - 5 turns
Young Leo, Sprintaurus - 7 turns
Any status ailment inflicted on an enemy with Masked Pain will increase the number of Pain Counters that enemy has instead of inflicting whatever status ailment.
Whenever Masked Pain wears off, the enemy will take a good chunk of damage based on the number of Pain Counters that have been accumulated. If there are 0 Pain Counters, then no damage will be dealt.
Pain Counters are displayed by the icon next to the enemy's life bar. It will show a number, which is the number of Pain Counters that enemy has.
Instant death also counts as a status ailment and will add a Pain Counter to the enemy. The enemy will not die though.
Stun does not count as a status ailment, and won't give Pain Counters.
Using Masked Pain (the attack) while the opponent is in Masked Pain (the status ailment) will overwrite the status ailment with itself, and it'll lose all the Pain Counters.
A single enemy can have up to 15 Pain Counters.
The damage of Masked Pain when it wears off is: (POW + (Weapon ATK x Weapon ATK Multiplier)) x Number of Pain Counters.
POW Bonus, Dagger Fetish, and Sword Mastery will all affect the damage done by this, but Casual Behavior and Scorching Rhyme will not.
The most damage you can do with a single Pain Counter seems to be around 340.
Triple Kiss (トリプルキス)
4 (Lv. 1~5) 5 (Lv. 6~10)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Masked Pain Lv. 3
Large damage to an enemy with three or more Pain Counters.
250% damage at Lv. 1, 500% damage at Lv. 10. Only works on enemies with 3 Pain Counters (in Masked Pain).
It seems it is possible to Critical Hit with this skill, so sometimes it'll get an extra 130% damage.
The Rogue can use this as long as the target is in Masked Pain.
Ecstasy Kiss (恍惚のキス)
0 (EX)
Masked Pain Lv. 5
Extreme damage to an enemy with five or more Pain counters.
EX skill. 400% damage to an enemy in Masked Pain with more than 5 Pain Counters.
MN Cost
SP Cost
Max Level
Shot Mastery (ショットマスタリー)
1 (Lv. 1~5) 2 (Lv. 6~10)
Raises the ATK of equipped bows. Required for higher level bow skills.
+10% to an equipped bow's ATK at Lv. 1, +54% to an equipped bow's ATK at Lv. 10.
Seeker (シーカー)
Shot Mastery Lv. 1
Recovers the decreasing hit rate of bow attacks.
Sleep Shot (スリープショット)
2 (Lv. 1~5) 3 (Lv. 6~10)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Shot Mastery Lv. 3
Small damage to one enemy, and small chance to inflict Sleep.
120% damage at Lv. 1 with a 30% chance of inflicting Sleep. At Lv. 10, this deals 150% damage with a 75% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Panic Shot (パニックショット)
2 (Lv. 1~5) 3 (Lv. 6~10)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Shot Mastery Lv. 3
Small damage to one enemy, and small chance to Confuse.
120% damage at Lv. 1 with a 30% chance of inflicting Confusion. At Lv. 10, this deals 150% damage with a 75% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Enemies will not use skills when they are Confused.
Head Shot (ヘッドショット)
4 (Lv. 1~5) 5 (Lv. 6~10)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Shot Mastery Lv. 5
Medium damage to one enemy, and small chance of Instant Death.
130% damage at Lv. 1 with a 30% chance of inflicting Instant Death. At Lv. 10, this deals 165% damage with a 75% chance of Instant Death.
Sonic Shot (ソニックショット)
4 (Lv. 1~3) 5 (Lv. 4~5)
2 (Lv. 1) 1 (Lv. 2~5)
Shot Mastery Lv. 5
Large damage to an enemy that attacks the user with a projectile or magical attack.
Nullifies damage from projectiles or magic from one target and counterattacks with a shot of your own. The counter deals 110% damage at Lv. 1, 135% damage at Lv. 5.
If the counter does not go off by the end of the turn, the Rogue will make small attack at 90% damage (at Lv. 5) after everyone else has acted.
This skill does not prevent any status ailments the original attack came with.
Ranged attacks that hit multiple times (e.g. 30mm Cannon) will only be countered once.
The Fighter's Arrow Follower will not fire off a counter.
The skill will still be fired even if the Rogue is Cursed.
It seems as though if you EX this skill and don't counter anything, you'll lose an extra EX (for a total of 2 EX) when you fire off your shot at the end of the turn. If you do counter an attack, you'll use 1 EX as normal.
Dual Shot (デュアルショット)
4 (Lv. 1~3) 5 (Lv. 4~5)
2 (Lv. 1) 1 (Lv. 2~5)
Shot Mastery Lv. 8
Attacks a single enemy twice for small damage each hit.
Fires off two attacks at an enemy. At Lv. 1, both attacks deal 70% damage. At Lv. 5, both attacks deal 100% damage.
If the first shot kills the original target, the second shot will go to a different target.
It is unknown whether or not this will decrease your bow's hit rate twice as fast with its two shots.
Fighter's Arrow Follower will only follow this once.
Falling Star (フォーリングスター)
0 (EX)
Shot Mastery Lv. 10
Extreme damage to a single enemy after three turns.
EX skill. This deals 170% damage to one enemy after two turns go by.
The Fighter's Arrow Follower will fire twice if a Rogue uses a bow attack when this hits, once for each attack.
The description says that Falling Star will hit in 3 turns, but this includes the turn fired. If you use this on turn 1, then Falling Star will hit on turn 3.
MN Cost
SP Cost
Max Level
Footwork Mastery (フットワークマスタリ)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Increases the Rogue's SPD. Required for higher level footwork skills.
Gives a +10% bonus to your SPD at Lv. 1, and a +60% bonus at Lv. 10.
This doesn't do anything else at Lv. 1, but it seems to give a 120% multiplier to damage done by Footwork Skills at Lv. 10.
Sand Kick (サンドキック)
4 (Lv. 1~5) 5 (Lv. 6~10)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
Footwork Mastery Lv. 3
High chance of inflicting Blind on a single enemy.
50% chance of inflicting Blind at Lv. 1, 100% chance of inflicting Blind at Lv. 10.
This only seems to last 1 turn, though, and doesn't deal damage.
Works even in the middle of the ocean.
Replace First (リプレイスファースト)
4 (Lv. 1) 3 (Lv. 2) 2 (Lv. 3) 1 (Lv. 4) 0 (Lv. 5)
1 (Lv. 1~5)
Footwork Mastery Lv. 3 SPD Boost Lv. 3
Gives up own turn to let an ally go first this turn.
Give up your turn and let an ally go first. This costs 4 MN at Lv. 1, and 0 MN at Lv. 5. This will never fail.
Using this on a party member will let them go before anyone who used EX goes.
Escape Stance (エスケイプスタンス)
5 (Lv. 1) 4 (Lv. 2) 3 (Lv. 3) 2 (Lv. 4) 1 (Lv. 5)
1 (Lv. 1~5)
Footwork Mastery Lv. 5
Chance of escaping from battle increased, and reduces damage taken when trying to escape.
This costs 5 MN at Lv. 1 and 1 MN at Lv. 5.
The Rogue itself will not try to run away when using this. If the enemy acts before the party, the damage they receive will be reduced.
Hiding (ハイディング)
5 (Lv. 1~3) 6 (Lv. 4~5)
2 (Lv. 1) 1 (Lv. 2~5)
Footwork Mastery Lv. 8
Shifts to Ambush stance, which decreases the frequency the Rogue is targeted by the enemies. While in Ambush, regular attacks have a chance of becoming an Ambush attack, which deals critical hit damage. Being hit may cause the Rogue to be forced out of Ambush.
At Lv. 1, there is a 40% chance of an Ambush attack activating off a regular attack, and the Rogue will be targeted by attacks with 30% less frequency. At Lv. 10, the Rogue has a 70% chance of Ambushing off a regular attack. Enemies will target the Rogue 50% less often.
If the Rogue is hit while in Hiding, there is a 30% chance of being taken out of Hiding.
Ambush attacks deal as much damage as a critical hit.
Sacrifice (サクリファイス)
0 (EX)
Extreme damage to all enemies, and heals all allies. The Rogue will be irreplaceably gone forever, along with his equipment.
All enemies 10 levels higher than the Rogue (or lower than this) will instantly die or take 70% of their Max LF in damage. Your party members will also be healed, though they won't be resurrected if they're already down.
If the Rogue is the only man standing, using this will give you a Game Over.
The damage on Knight's Anger is affected more by a Rogue using this skill that anything else. For each Rogue that uses this skill, the damage on Knight's Anger will be multiplied by 1.5. Unconscious Princesses will multiply the damage by 1.3 each.
MN Cost
SP Cost
Max Level
Killer's Attract (キラーズアトラクト)
5 (Lv. 1) 4 (Lv. 2) 3 (Lv. 3) 2 (Lv. 4) 1 (Lv. 5)
1 (Lv. 1~5)
Increases encounter rate.
At Lv. 5, it will take around 3 or 4 steps to get into a battle in a forest.
Demonic Countenance (a Samurai skill) will take priority over this.
Rogue's Eye (ローグズアイ)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
INT Bonus Lv. 5
After battle, there is a chance of finding money on each enemy you've defeated.
At Lv. 1, you'll have a 20% chance of finding money after a battle ends. At Lv. 10, you'll find money after 42% of your battles.
Around Kazan, you'll find around 10G. Dragons in the latter half of the game will give you 400G.
Gyoujyuuzaga Casual Behavior (行往坐臥)
1 (Lv. 1~7) 2 (Lv. 8~10)
POW Bonus Lv. 3 INT Bonus Lv. 3
Increases the Rogue's ATK if a Samurai is in the party.
This multiplies your ATK if a Samurai is in the party by 110% at Lv. 1, and 140% at Lv. 10.
The bonus includes POW, equipment, and Mastery skills. All of it gets multiplied by the bonus this skill gives.
The Japanese name for this refers to the acts of walking, standing, sitting, and laying down - what's called the Four Cardinal Behaviors that everyone does every day of their life. It can be used to figuratively mean things like everyday life, things you do everyday, and a host of others. Translations on this can be all over the place. If there's no context, even more so.
Trick React (トリックリアクト)
SPD Bonus Lv. 5
The React status lasts for 5 turns. While the React is active, the Rogue gains an extra turn whenever Sword Trap successfully counters an attack, or when an Ambush attack is made from Hiding.
Rogue 1
Rogue 2
Rogue 3
Rogue 4
Rogue 1
Rogue 2
Rogue 3
Rogue 4
Kate, Boon, Ikurakun and Yac
Melk, Ikurakun, Harukara, Momomeno and Kate
Eustis and Melk
Harukara, Glast, Sora and Yac in Chapter 1
In order from left to right in-game, the default names are Yac, Eustis, Melk and Hatch.
The Rogue Yac (named Cith) appears as a main character in 7th Dragon manga.
A rogue is a person or entity that flouts accepted norms of behavior. They are also a stereotypical character class, which are usually stealthy and dexterous characters able to disarm traps, pick locks, spy on foes, and perform backstabs from hiding.