“ | I'll teach you one of the tricks of the Factory Division... use it when somebody blacks out and they wake up like "POW!" Works like a charm with dozing industrial staff... | ” |
— Waji, 7th Dragon 2020
Waji (ワジ ) is a supporting character who first appeared in 7th Dragon 2020. He is part of Murakumo's Factory Division, in charge of tools development.
“ | A member of Murakumo's Unit 4 Factory Division who can make various pieces of tools and equipment using raw materials obtained from dragons and monsters. Known to many as a stubborn old man who prides himself in being an artisan, he usually takes charge of consumables and tools development, but is hailed as the overall leader figure of Unit 4. Is active not only in the factory but also the front lines, lending assistance to Unit 13 in more than one occassion. Keima and Reimi consider him a master of sorts. | ” |
— Character Description, 7th Dragon 2020 & 2020-II Visual Collection.
7th Dragon 2020[]
Waji is first seen along with Keima and Reimi inside the Murakumo shelter sleeping quarters next to the the infirmary. He takes the 3 Dz that Unit 13 collected in their first mission and passes them on to the younger staff members, making not only weapons, armor and consumables, but also enhanced equipment for the SDF platoon under Rin Dojima's command. They had to make do with outdated gear while keeping the 11th floor of the Reversed Metropolitan Building secure after the latest ones were passed to the dragon extermination strike force.
Before Unit 13 sets off to deliver said equipment to the Dojima Platoon, Waji teaches them the support skill "Resuscitation Technique Level 1", which he claims is a must-have for both dragon slayers and sleepy factory laborers.
After the Metropolitan Government Building was liberated, the three members of the Factory Division set up shop in the lobby. Waji handles tools development and sales.
7th Dragon 2020-II[]
Waji was part of the engineering contingent working on restoring communication lines using the Tokyo Sky Tower as the base network hub. He was able to escape from the structure following Formalhout's invasion and reprises his role of handling consumable items afterward. He will also submit Factory level improvement requests to Shizuka from time to time. If Unit 13 grants his requests, he usually gives them a sample consumable, which is one of the Factory's new products for the given level.
Characters | ||
Recurring | ||
7th Dragon | ||
7th Dragon 2020 | 《Ayafumi Kirino》《Natsume Hikasa》《NAV 3.6》《NAV 3.7》《Gatou》《Nagare》《Aoi Unose》《Cheron》《Rin Dojima》《Miya》《Keima》《Reimi》《Waji》《Daigo》《Neko》《Jack Muller》《David Griffith》《Miku Hatsune》
| |
7th Dragon 2020-II | ||
7th Dragon III Code: VFD | 《Mio Nagumo》《Nagamimi》《Allie Nodens》《Julietta》《Chika》《Rika》《Yuma Kisaragi》《Tougo Yoritomo》《Akutsu》《Mikio Nagumo》《Ulania》《Eigur》《Tallieri》《Utrello》《Brijilt Breykani》《Na Sailasrikt Shivlatika》《Nagiri》《Blaster Raven》《Iod》