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Yotsuya Night Hill (四ツ谷・常夜の丘, yotsuya tokoyo no oka?) is the sixth dungeon in 7th Dragon 2020.


A place associated with the Yotsuya Kaidan, arguably the most well-known ghost story in the country. As if taking a cue from the aforementioned tale, the area became a grave-site in which the light of day will never be seen. Many humans were manipulated by Lore-A-Lua, doomed to wander the Night Hill under the glimmering moonlight for all eternity. They will not be granted rest in death, but instead become reanimated corpses at the Emperor Dragon's beck and call.
Location Description, 7th Dragon 2020 & 2020-II Visual Collection.

Chapter 3[]

A new Emperor Dragon was reported to have been found in the neighborhood of Yotsuya.

Data provided by the investigation team tell of the area as having a "neverending nighttime". The signal of the phenomenon was strikingly similar to the fallen Warcry's influence, only it dealt more with manipulation of reality as opposed to gravity. Furthermore, said effect completely nullifies any kind of remote environmental scanning; making it impossible to pinpoint the location of the Emperor Dragon, much less map out the surrounding area. The safest method was by utilizing several reconnaissance groups, but this proved difficult to arrange following the SDF's significant death toll and injury count from the prior operation back in Ikebukuro.

7thD2020 YNH ScaredKirino

Kirino doesn't seem to be fond of horror...

To this end, Kirino volunteers to go out on the field to assist in navigation. He has developed detector modules that if placed in certain points within Yotsuya, allows for a rough area scan that can be fine-tuned using a special on-site terminal. Aoi was to serve as his escort while Unit 13 goes around Yotsuya to set up the modules. The group arrives at the site via a van driven by Kirino himself. Awaiting them was a valley of buildings littered with tombstones and connected by bone bridges, the atmosphere akin to those found in horror movies. Though somewhat spooked, Kirino goes through how the module system works with the group one more time but his complicated explanation was simplified and cut short by Aoi.

7thD2020 YNH Ghosts

The eerie atmosphere starts to make one see things...

After placing the first detector module, Unit 13 sees what appears to be will o' wisps and apparitions. Aoi, who was watching their movements from the monitor, was freaked by the sight. Further ahead, they run into an SDF soldier who asks them to go with him to where the others are. The navigator found this odd since no details of an SDF mobilization were given. Nonetheless, they decide to follow him.

7thD2020 YNH SDFman

An SDF man beckons Unit 13 to follow him...

Pressing much further down the path, they pass a handful of other soldiers who as the navigator pointed out, looked a little pale. Unit 13 soon reaches a building rooftop with more soldiers. The SDF men pressure them to jump down from the side with the broken railing, saying that the others were waiting down below. The trio obviously hesitates, as the height of that rooftop would more than likely do them in. At that same instant, Kirino was somehow able to tune in to the area with the solitary detector module, delivering the data to the navigator for analysis. The latter declares in shock and disbelief that the only life-form signals within were that of Unit 13. With that, the trio attacks the SDF soldiers, who turn out to be reanimated corpses controlled by the Emperor Dragon.

7thD2020 YNH UndeadSoldiers

Miina confirming no other life signals in the area despite seeing the three soldiers with Unit 13.

Kirino tells Unit 13 that the map has somehow become usable again, but only to a limited degree. The other three modules need to be set up so the location of the Emperor Dragon can be traced properly. The next module point required crossing a certain bridge that was blocked by one of the "zombie soldiers" who now attack them even with just the slightest provocation.

7thD2020 YNH MentorSnaps

A mysterious figure taunts the navigator...

The deceptive nature of the area was making the navigator nervous, doubting everything that they see and even going as far as thinking that Kirino is one of the undead under the Emperor Dragon's control with intent to fool them. The Murakumo scientist chooses not to take the navigator's unease seriously, instead concentrating on the detector adjustments.

Unit 13 found themselves cornered by a horde of undead SDF soldiers after crossing another bridge to find the third module spot. By that time, the navigator was completely panicking and could not give sound instructions. Suddenly, a voice can be heard shouting at the navigator with an all-too familiar line:

"Quit yer dawdling...!!!"

7thD2020 YNH MentorFront

...it turned out to be a departed comrade.

A figure with his back turned to the group emerges, taunting the navigator for being all high-and-mighty under normal circumstances, but reduced to being a whiny kid sans the assistance of data. The navigator reacts angrily at the figure but quickly regains composure, preparing to give Unit 13 new orders for getting past the zombie wave.

Aytel appears and beckons for the mysterious figure. Upon realizing that it's time for him to leave, he gives Unit 13 some parting words while turning to face them:

"Lemme rest in peace, why dont'cha?!"

7thD2020 YNH ZombiesDown

The zombies stop moving.

As they do not have the luxury of time to discuss the identity of that mysterious figure (though Unit 13 seems to already know), the navigator prepares to figure out the root cause of why these reanimated corpses move the way they do, not from data, but from instinct and probability calculations. Unit 13 battles more of them, and the navigator eventually concludes that a specific frequency that could not be heard by live human ears was the prime factor. They then try using multiple disruptive sonic frequencies via the set detector modules. All the SDF zombies crumple to the floor, the source of their movement totally broken by the loud noises.

Having finally calmed down, the navigator starts to talk about the figure who snapped at them earlier, but opts not to go on. Unit 13 then resumes the task at hand, encountering dragons (and some reanimated civilians who don't seem to realize that they're already dead) along the way.

7thD2020 YNH LoreALua

Miina urging the group to make the Emperor Dragon pay for toying with the dead.

Moving on to the fourth area after setting the next module, the navigator warns them of toxic puddles littered around the environment. The final module spot was located in a far-off area with a large poison pool that had to be crossed. Kirino then reports that the tuning and location scan have both been completed. The frequency used to control zombies also disrupts live human senses, causing them to wander aimlessly around the area. Now possessing adequate data to reach the Emperor Dragon's lair, the objective has now been changed to "seek and destroy".

The group later arrives at the "Moonlight Labyrinth" area, where the effect of the inaudible frequency was at it's peak. Thanks to the detector modules however, the navigator had the sufficient data to lead them to the right trail: First going to the northwest, then southeast, and finally, going back the way they came. With the labyrinth area past them, all that was left is to move forward and confront the Emperor Dragon known as Lore-A-Lua.

7thD2020 YNH SKYWatching

SKY witnessing the aftermath of the battle.

Though invisible at first, the Emperor Dragon appeared once Unit 13 arrived at her lair. Lore-A-Lua was slain after a protracted battle, and Unit 13 collects a sample from the remains as usual. Following the congratulatory transmissions, the trio makes their way back to the entrance.

Unbeknownst to the group, Takehaya, Daigo and Neko were actually watching them from one of the farther rooftops the whole time. The SKY leader is aware that his body will probably not last much longer and intends to test Unit 13's mettle as dragon hunters soon.

7thD2020 YNH NatsumeScheme

Natsume receiving the third sample. With this, she can finally...

Tired from the painstaking tuning job, Kirino wanted Aoi to drive the team home in his place but immediately recanted when the latter declared that she was a "Paper Driver" or a license holder with no practical experience. Natsume was waiting for them outside the Metropolitan Government Building, intent on receiving the sample from the slain Emperor Dragon. As the group was totally exhausted and too busy basking in the success of the operation, none of them noticed the wicked gleam on the Murakumo chairperson's eye...



  • If the party talks to Aoi before entering the dungeon, she will give them 3 Choco-bars.
  • In the 7th Dragon 2020 & 2020-II Visual Collection, it is stated that the the famous Yotsuya Kaidan was used for the dungeon concept. Aoi even mentions it when talking to her in the game, surmising that maybe the Emperor Dragon is a fan of said story.
  • After Lore-A-Lua is defeated, the Moonlight Labyrinth passages will become regular pathways leading to special rooms that have a total of three item chests and one refugee.
7th Dragon 2020
7th Dragon 2020-II